Wednesday, December 12, 2012

From Blog to Book?

Sometimes I wonder what "Divine Inspiration" is. I think that it's different for each person, but I believe in it all the same. Some folks scoff at the idea of anything being "divinely' inspired. They might think it's a bunch of rubbish. But I believe that it how god communicates with us. He puts things on our hearts or our minds and using scripture to feel that spiritual seedling. The thing that's been most on my mind is writing a book. Using the posts from this blog and putting all these thoughts together into a collection of lessons God has taught to me. And the thing that has been sitting most vividly in my mind as a title is "More Than Enough". Because is it so true. Both in God's case, and ours. We are more than enough for God - He made us, He called us, He has a purpose for us - we are the clay and He is the Potter. Likewise, He is More than enough for us. He is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. God is Love, our first Love. I could go on and on. With these two truths in mind, I would focus on a major problem we encounter in the United States - Self-image and Self-worth. I can tell you from experience that it's hard not to harshly judge yourself when you look at the magazine rack at the store. Beautiful women, with seemingly perfect bodies, perfect skin, beautiful makeup - you walk away thinking "Gosh I wish I looked like that!" or "Welp, Diet starts today!". But behind the lens of the camera that took that picture is a far from perfect woman. Makeup, Hair Products, Photo shop - all those items were used to create that "perfect" picture. What if we started to look at ourselves through the Lens of the Bible and not through the world? What if we took a deep breath and really evaluated ourselves through the eyes of God and Scripture? I think you'd be pleasantly surprised at the results. See, unlike the world, there are no size requirements. There's no skin tone or color, weight, jean size, shoe size, hair color specifications etc. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, the Bible tells us we are as white as snow. Remember waking up to snow some morning, before it's been messed up by road salts and shovelers? It's perfect isn't it :) Well, when we are right with God, we are washed in the Blood of the Perfect Savior - and that is enough to come to God. In fact, that's the only way to come to God. Through the blood of the lamb. In the Old Testament, not just any lamb would do. A Lamb for sacrifice had to be spotless, without blemishes. Likewise, Jesus, had to be perfect, without blemishes. Now, I'm not talking about acne - I'm talking about the blemishes that come when we sin. And he did not sin.
Another focus I might take is one of finding our self-image in God. You can't just read "He is more than Enough". You have to believe it. When you believe it, when your trust is completely in Him, When HE Is Your All, your first Love, than you are what I like to call, Grounded in Christ. Planted on a rock that will never be shaken. There is a huge problem with this in our country. We are told that we will not be happy unless we have this amazing tablet or newest smart phone. That because our current one is slower and less functional, that we will suffer until we pay huge amounts of money to upgrade. That unless we're a size 0 with a 5% body fat, that we will never be truly happy with our bodies. That unless we are leaning on a man's arm, no matter who he is or where he's from or what he believes, that we will never find true happiness. That it's ok to throw morals and values away, all for the sake of a little romance. How sad for the young women in generations to come! I can't stress this enough! IF you are grounded in Christ than all of those other things do not and should not matter! Because we can never be TRULY happy unless we choose to have happiness in Christ. I am often struck with how often I wondered "who I was". There are people who go on massive "spiritual" journeys, to holy places or remote lands, to find themselves. What I have found, is that you will "find yourself" when you ask God to reveal your purpose. I think that people who are in search of who they are, are really in search for their purpose or meaning in life.  Not everyone is going to have the same purpose. It's just not possible. If everyone in a car plant did the same thing, nothing else would be accomplished. There is no way we can each have the same purpose. Going back to some old thoughts from a recent post, we are His workmanship. He uses us, our talents, our abilities, to further His kingdom. He's coming back one day and only he knows when. Matthew 24: 36 says " 36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." We are to be prepared at all times. We are to give an account for the hope that is within us. 1st Peter3:15 "15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect," My Pastor challenged my Sunday School class to write out their testimony, having it be no longer than 3 minutes. What's your testimony? What was your life before Christ? I know I've covered a lot of topics but I can't wait to begin to compile these thoughts and see where God takes them and uses them. My prayer is that He uses my gifts for His purpose and His kingdom. :)